Type of Entry: Training
Name: Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM)
Date added: 9 March 2021
Delivery type: N/A
Owned by: High Intensity Network
Contact: N/A
Website: Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM)
Cost: N/A
Target audience: Wider professionals

Core Elements

The Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) model of care is a nationally recognised mentoring programme for high intensity service users who come into frequent contact with healthcare and emergency services.

Key Features:

  • Brings together all key agencies involved in responding to high-intensity crisis service users once a month
  • Uses a national 5-point assessment process to ensure that the right clients are chosen whilst balancing their rights an individual and the need to safeguard
  • Selected individuals are then allocated to a SIM intervention team consisting of a mental health professional and a police officer
  • Opportunity to develop a digital crisis care plan (HISAFE) - for more information click here.
  • As a result, better support is offered to “high intensity users” of Section 136 of the Mental Health Act (MHA) and public services.

SIM in collaboration with the High Intensity Network (HIN) also enables CCGs to provide:

  • CPD High Intensity Courses (both classroom based and online)
  • An interactive, map based 'Team Directory'.
  • A 'Data Portal' that allows teams to gather, analyse and report quantitative and qualitative performance outcomes, demand and cost data for each individual they are supporting.
  • A 'Quality Improvement Matrix' which enables teams to identify and make improvements
  • A 'Behaviour Directory' – enabling teams to find each other based on the crisis behaviours they are encountering.
  • Assistance and advice in managing complex cases, including professional support for the highest risk.
  • A range of 'Programme Leadership' resources including an Information Governance pack.
  • Bi-monthly national webinars
  • Daily email, telephone and webinar based advice

Length of Training

3 days

Supporting Rationale

Mental health crisis has come such a long way in recent years. It was only as recently as 2010 when the UK had no solid examples of multi-agency crisis response. Today, most 999 focused organisations are operating join initiatives. We have made so much progress – but some significant operational and cultural challenges still exist.

HIN research has found that around 50 service users repeatedly call a number in distress. They account for between 22% and 69% of all blue light calls to crisis. The national average is 30%.

Health economic analysis has demonstrated that this type of intensive crisis behaviour can cost police, ambulance, emergency departments and mental health services between £20,000 and £30,000 a year per patient. It is estimated that there are around 550 people across the UK who place these repeat demands upon services.


SIM has been adopted by numerous NHS trusts and police forces.  SIM has been evaluated and received feedback from a number of collaborators, some examples include:

The HIN has collated data from 59 different service users supported by 16 SIM based teams. It demand and cost reductions to all 4 crisis response and care organisations in the 12 months prior to a SIM team being allocated, and the 12 months since SIM has been intervening.


You can help by expanding this list - contact us


You can help by expanding this list - contact us

Additional Information

SIM and the work of the High Intensity Network have been recognised for their work:

  • HSJ Patient Safety Award
  • HSJ Value in Healthcare Award for Mental Health
  • HSJ Value in Healthcare Award for Mental Health for Clinical Support Services
  • Finalist in HSJ Value in Healthcare Award for Managing Long Term Conditions
  • Highly Commended by Positive Practice Mental Health Collaborative for Partnership Working
  • Winner of Nursing Times Awards 2016 for Integrated Approaches to Care

The aim of the ZSA Resources is to introduce users to a range of existing and new resources with a connection to supporting people with their mental health, bring awareness to and help prevent incidences of suicide.  The ZSA do not endorse individual resources but instead aim to present standardised information to enable the user to make an informed decision over its use.

This resource content was developed and approved in collaboration with the resource owner. If you would like to update this content, please contact us.

For more information on ZSA Resources, please refer to ZSA Policies.

Content last updated: 10/03/2021.

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