Gas distribution network step challenge
The four companies that make up the UK gas distribution network (Wales and West Utilities, SGN, Northern Gas Networks and Cadent Gas) joined forces for some friendly competition to raise money for the Zero Suicide Alliance as part of a monthly step challenge.
Organised by the wellbeing and occupational health for each company, the step challenge allowed participants to convert any exercise completed into steps – for example one hour of weightlifting converted to 8,000 steps.
778 staff members from across the different organisations took part in the step challenge completing 273,860,207 steps and raising £910 with Cadent Gas completing the most steps.
Staff member at SGN said:
"We are all cyclists so we all chipped in with many miles on the bikes. This involved early rides at the weekends, sometimes setting off before 6am. We also did a couple of evening rides, with a nice stop off at a pub to get energised for the journey home.
"Cycling is a great way to get exercise, and also really nice being outside and having time away from phone/computer screens which is brilliant for your mental health."
Team leader at Northern Gas Networks
"It drove some very healthy competition and conversations in the office and really helped to motivate us to get out and exercise. Team members that would usually sit at their desk at lunch were making more effort to go out and walk together at lunchtime, and even doing little things like taking the stairs instead of the lift made a big difference. Personally, I found it also helped to motivate me on an evening, giving me an extra incentive to go out for a walk or run on an evening, which helps massively with physical and mental health. It’s also helped to instil some healthier habits going forwards and is still having an ongoing impact 😊 Looking forward to the next one!"
Why the ZSA?
Matthew Manser at SGN shared the reason they chose to support the ZSA iniaitive through this challenge: “We work in an industry that is very high stress and very male dominated, therefore, suicide is especially important to us. We also recently embedded some of your training into our online digital hub and wanted to give back to your fantastic initiative.”
Thank you to everyone who took part in the step challenge and to the four gas distribution companies:
- Wales and West Utilities
- Cadent Gas
- Northern Gas
Thank you!
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Last modified: 4 December 2024