Sapper Support
Sapper support offer a free, confidential crisis helpline to support veterans and 999 personell with PTSD and other associated mental health issues.
Call 0800 040 7873 free, text 07860 018 733 or email info@sappersupport.com.
Open 24/7, 365 days a year.
Find out more on the Sapper Support Sapper Support website.
Shout offer a free confidential text service to support people within the emergency service sector with their mental health.
Text ‘BLUELIGHT’ to 85258.
Open 24/7, 365 days a year.
Find out more from the SHOUT website.
The Fire Fighters charity
The Fire Fighters charity offer a free, confidential helpline to support people with a fire fighter occupation with their health and wellbeing.
Call 0800 389 8820 free or fill out the enquiry form.
Open 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more on The Fire Fighter charity website.
Mind: Blue Light Together
Blue Light Together is the place for UK emergency services staff, volunteers, retirees and friends and family to find information, ideas and support to help look after mental health.
To find support in your area, please visit the Blue Light Together support group page.
Find out more on the Blue Light Together website.