Call 0800 58 58 58 if you need to talk to someone and get support for your mental health.
Open 5pm to midnight, 365 days a year.
Find out more on the CALM website.
The SANE helpline offers emotional support and information for anyone affected by mental health problems, including family members and carers.
Call SANEline on 0300 304 7000 , open from 4 pm to 10 pm, 365 days per year.
SANE also offer emotional support via email at support@sane.org.uk, and also offer a phone Call-Back service.
Find out more from the SANE website.
Breathing Space
Breathing Space offers a confidential helpline for anyone living in Scotland that feels low in mood, anxious, or depressed.
Call 0800 83 85 87 for free or visit the website to use their online webchat.
Open Monday to Thursday, 6pm to 2am. Open Friday to Monday, 6pm to 6am.
Find out more on the Breathing Space website.