Asthma and Lung UK
Asthma and Lung UK offer a free, confidential helpline for people affected by a lung condition, including families, friends and carers. Asthma and Lung UK provide personal guides to protect your lungs, resources and health information.
Call 0300 222 5800, use the Asthma Whatsapp helpline on 07999 377 775 or email helpline@asthmaandlung.org.uk
Open 9.15am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more on the Asthma and Lung UK website.
Breast Cancer Now
Breast Cancer Now offer a free, confidential helpline which provides tailored support to anyone affected by breast cancer or queries about breast health. Breast Cancer Now offer resources and information about breast cancer, treatments and diagnosis.
Call 0808 800 6000 or use the online form to email.
Open 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Open 9am to 1pm on Saturday.
Find out more on the Breast Cancer Now website.
Bladder and Bowel UK
Bladder and Bowel UK offer a free, confidential helpline that provides advice on bladder and bowel health, options for managing incontinence, and signposting to services. Bowel and Bladder UK offer resources on bladder and bowel problems and a 'Just Can't Wait' card.
Call 0161 214 4591 or complete the online enquiry form.
Find out more on the Bladder and Bowel UK website.
Bone Cancer Research Trust
Bone Cancer Research Trust offer a free, confidential support and information line for anyone that is affected by primary bone cancer. Bone Cancer Research Trust provide resources, support groups, step-by-step guides for patients, downloadable information and financial assistance grants.
Call 0800 111 4855 or complete the online enquiry form.
Open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more on the Bone Cancer Research Trust website.
Cancer Focus Northern Ireland (NI)
Cancer Focus NI offer a free, confidential support Nurseline for people with cancer, their families or friends. Cancer Focus NI provide counselling services, family support and health improvement resources.
Call 0800 783 3339 or email nurseline@cancerfocusni.org
Open 9am to 1pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Find out more on the Cancer Focus NI website.
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland offer a free, confidential advice line to help people living with chest, heart, stroke and Long Covid conditions, as well as their families, carers and healthcare workers.
Call 0808 801 0899 or email adviceline@chss.org.uk
Open 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday,
Find out more on the Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland website.
Colostomy UK
Colostomy UK offer a free, confidential helpline that provides support and advice to people that have a stoma or are in the process of having a stoma. Colostomy UK offer a telephone befriending service, support booklets, Stoma Aware training and support groups.
Call 0800 328 4257 free, use the live chat or join the confidential facebook support group with thousands of other people who live with a stoma.
Helpline open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Live chat open Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.
Find out more from the Colostomy UK website.
Diabetes UK
Diabetes UK offer a free, confidential helpline to support people with diabetes, their family or friends, and people who are worried they might be at risk. Diabetes UK offer resources and guides on diabetes and community support.
Call 0345 123 2399 (England, Wales and Northern Ireland), call 0141 212 8710 (Scotland) or email helpline@diabetes.org.uk for more support.
Open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more from the Diabetes UK website.
Fibromyalgia Action UK
Fibromyalgia Action UK offer a free, confidential helpline for anyone that is experiencing or affected by fibromyalgia, Fibromyalgia Action UK offer a benefits helpline, information booklets and local support groups.
Call 0300 999 3333 or call the benefits helpline on 0300 999 0055.
Open 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more on the Fibromyalgia Action UK website.
Leukaemia Care
Leukaemia Care offer a free, confidential helpline that provides support, information and advice to those affected by Leukaemia, family or friends. Leukaemia Care offer resource and information booklets, one to one buddy support, counselling services, support groups and cost of living services.
Call 08088 010 444 or email support@leukaemiacare.org.uk
Open 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more from the Leukaemia Care website.
Macmillan offer a free, confidential support line that provides emotional support and practical information about all aspects of cancer, whether it is information on scans, treatments, diagnosis, wellbeing, financial and wellbeing.
Call 0808 808 0000, complete an online form, chat online or join a Macmillan online community forum.
Open 8am to 8pm, every day.
Find out more on the Macmillan website.
Marie Curie
Marie Curie offers a free, confidential support line which provides practical or clinical information and emotional support to those living with or caring for someone with a terminal illness or have experienced bereavement. Marie Curie offers a companion service, bereavement support service and provides resources and guides.
Call 0800 090 2309, email support@mariecurie.org.uk or find out more information on the Marie Curie companion service.
Open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Open 10am to 4pm on weekends.
Find out more on the Marie Curie website.
Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA)
Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) offer a free, confidential helpline which provides information about MND, emotional and practical support and signposting to people living with or affected by MND, their carers, family, friends and professionals. MNDA offer MND resources and guides, podcasts, online forums and support groups.
Call 0808 802 6262 or email mndconnect@mndassociation.org
Open 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more on the MNDA website.
MS (Mutiple Sclerosis) - UK
MS-UK offer a free, confidential helpline that provides information and emotional support to those who are affected by Multiple Sclerosis. MS-UK offer information guides on MS, mental health support, resources, a symptom diary and a peer support service.
Call 0800 783 0518, whatsapp 07824 708897, email info@ms-uk.org or use the MS-UK live chat.
Open 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more on the MS-UK website.
Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache (OUCH) UK
OUCH UK offer a free, confidential advice line for people that are affected by cluster headaches. OUCH UK offer resources and information on cluster headaches and support forums.
Call 0800 6696 824 and leave your name and telephone number for a callback, or email adviceline@ouchuk.org.
Find out more on the OUCH UK website.
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Pancreatic Cancer UK offer a free, confidential support line that provides advice, information and emotional and practical support to those affected by pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic Cancer UK offer information and resources, managing pain guides, discussion forums and webinars.
Call 0808 801 0707 or complete the online contact form to contact a nurse.
Open 9am to 4pm, Monday, Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday. Open 10am to 4pm on Wednesdays.
Find out more on the Pancreatic Cancer UK website.
Pain Concern
Pain Concern offer a free, confidential helpline to provide support to people with pain and those who care for them. Pain concern offer information and resources on managing pain, self management resources and peer support.
Call 0300 123 0789 or email help@painconcern.org.uk
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Find out more on the Pain Concern website.
Psoriasis Association
Psoriasis Association offer a free, confidential helpline that provides information, emotional support and signposting to those living with psoriasis or psoriatic arthiritus, a friend or family members. Psoriasis Association offer resources and information sheets and peer to peer support.
Call 01604 251 620, WhatsApp 07387 716 439 or email mail@psoriasis-association.org.uk
Open 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more on the Psoriasis Association website.
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation offer a free, confidential helpline that provides support and information to anyone living with or affected by lung cancer. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation offer resources and guides on lung cancer, group and online support, patient grants and will writing services.
Call 0800 358 7200, email lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org or find support on the Roy Castle online community.
Open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday. Open 9am to 4pm on Friday.
Find out more on the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation website.
Stroke Assosication
Stroke Association offer a free, confidential helpline that provide information and support for anyone affected by stroke.
Call 0303 3033 100, email helpline@stroke.org.uk or register online for the 'my stroke guide' which provides information, advice, videos and an online discussion forum.
Open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Open 1am to 1pm on Saturday.
Find out more on the Stroke Association website.
Terrence Higgins Trust
Terrence Higgins Trust is a HIV and sexual health charity that offers a free, confidential helpline which provides support, advice and information about sexual health and HIV.
Call 0808 802 1221 for free or email info@tht.org.uk
Open 10 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday.
Find out more on the Terrence Higgins Trust website.
Hub of Hope
The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.
Find support that is right for you on the Hub of Hope website.
Pain Relief Foundation
The Pain Relief Foundation is a charity that specialises in research for the causes and treatment of chronic pain in humans.
The Pain Foundation offer different resources such as:
For more information, visit the Pain Relief Foundation website.
Verity is a charity to help those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Verity organises events and conferences where delegates get the chance to hear from some of the worlds foremost leading PCOS experts. Verity also publishes a range of information booklets and In Touch, an email newsletter (sign up below) full of the latest information and research on the condition. Additionally, Verity provides a very active discussion board and social media community where those with PCOS can give and receive peer support.
Find out more from the Verity website.