Harrison Funeral Home

Harrison Funeral Home is a leading UK independent funeral directors, specialising in helping bereaved families in Enfield, Winchmore Hill, Highgate and nationally with funeral arrangements.



We care for the deceased until their burial or cremation. We work alongside families to create deeply personalised funeral services for the individual.

We believe that more needs to be done to help prevent suicide. As a funeral home, we sadly have all too much experience with suicide and its aftereffects.

Being a part of this alliance enables us to be stronger suicide-prevention advocates, extend our education on the topic, and share prevention materials and tools, whilst also enabling us to better support the suicide-bereaved families we serve.

We pledge to remain informed citizens about suicide.

We will continue to promote open conversation about suicide to help those in need of help to find it. We also help tackle any remaining taboo about death by suicide in support of bereaved families.

We will continue regularly signpost to mental health organisations who support those who may be considering suicide.

Find out more about our work