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National Centre for Eating Disorders

The National Centre for Eating Disorders offer support for people with anorexia, bulimia, binge and compulsive eating, body image issues and weight struggles.

Call 0845 838 2040 for free or use the National Centre for Eating Disorder contact form.

Find out more from the National Centre for Eating Disorder website.

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BEAT offers a helpline which support people with eating disorders understand their illness and support them to take positive steps towards recovery.

Call 0808 801 0677 for free, email or use the BEAT webchat.

Open daily 9am to 8pm during the week, and 4pm to 8pm on weekends and bank holidays.

Find out more from the BEAT website

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Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation

The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation is a charity which provides support and information to those affected by Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Email for more information.

Find out more from the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation website.

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SANE helpline offers emotional support and information for anyone affected by mental health problems, and can help those with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

Call 0300 304 7000 for free or email

Open daily from 6pm to 11pm.

Find out more from the SANE website

Overeaters Anonymous

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Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals that provide a twelve step programme for people who are recovering, or want to recover from compulsive overeating. 

They offer over 200 meetings, face to face or online.

To find a meeting, visit the Overeaters Anonymous meeting page.

For more information, visit the Overeaters Anonymous website.